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Neptune Trident (Alk, Cal, Mag)

Neptune Trident (Alk, Cal, Mag)

Regular price $957.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $957.99 CAD
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Using an automated titration method, with colorimetric identification, the Trident automatically tests your aquarium water up to 24 times a day for Alkalinity, Calcium, and Magnesium. 

The Trident tests consistently with a precision of +/- 0.05 dKh for Alkalinity and 15ppm for Calcium and Magnesium. Using any hobby-grade test kit on the market, even humans cannot perform the tests that consistently. 

Convenient and clean, the Trident is self contained and when running the basic testing regimen only requires a reagent change once a month.

Some testing systems use as much as 100mL of your tank water for every test. This can cause fluctuations in tank salinity. With the minimal sample taken by the Trident, there will be almost no effect on your salinity. Unlike other solutions, potentially contaminated test water is never sent back into the aquarium. Instead, it is sent it to a waste container or drain.

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